Friday, October 24, 2008

Holidays coming!! Food plans!!

Hey! Here's our menu plan. We'll change it as needed, but this is what I have so far:
Saturday, November 1:
Sandwiches at Steve's or Tara's BEFORE Carl's open house,
wherever we gather.

Pot Luck at Tara's AFTER Carl's open house
(Finger foods? Halloween party?)

Sunday, November 2 at Steve's (5:00):
Burrito casserole, Red sauce and green sauce
Feel free to bring toppings: sour cream, cheese, etc.

TURKEY DAY ( Eat at 4:00 pm):
Daddy: 2 turkeys
Mom: Corn, pickles, olives, sweet potatoes, cranberries, paper products
Cari: Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Laura: Rolls and whole wheat rolls
Tara : Desserts: pumpkin roll, etc.
Stephen: Stuffing
Candice: Pistachio salad (or other type)
Ben: Green bean casserole
Jana: Desserts with Tara
Rachel: Stuffed celery?

Mom and Dad: Costco rolls, ham, canned chicken, lettuces
Cari: Cheese and beans (coordinate with Tara)
Laura: Surprise item
Tara: Tomatoes and beans
Stephen: Mushrooms and crunchies
Candice: Sunflower seeds and broccoli
Ben: Eggs
Jana: Costco Ranch
Rachel: Cucumbers


How are we going to fit in Christmas mice?

Let me know if there are changes or additions. I'm so excited!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Everyone's getting more and more nervous at work. We had a really big month for September, but October is looking smaller than any month so far. I have been working with Wendy and Lori and Pam and Tracy and Staci for about eight years. Actually 10 years with Wendy. It's amazing to me how fast it has gone by. But, it's time for me to get serious about finding work in Utah. I'll be starting to look after I get back home next week. (Maybe Steve and I will look at the U of U website while I'm there.)

I suggested to Rob (Dad? Grandpa?) that he might want to get a job doing something besides driving, but it almost seems like he's enjoying driving. We'll see what happens when the snow flies!!

My newest goals are to never complain, never criticize, and never spend money unless it is absolutely necessary! I'm not doing as well as I'd like so far. So it may be a very long term goal. It makes me happy to try, though.

Grandpa Jensen is being operated on November 10. It will make it easier for him to get around and do things later, but is a very serious operation. Grandpa says it will take 4 hours. Cari suggested that we fast the first Sunday in November as a family for Grandpa. So, please keep it in mind if you'd like to join us in that.

I decided to make up my own tag. I hope some of you will do it because I'd like to know the answers.

Favorite scripture: 2 Ne 31:20 "Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ having a perfect brightness of hope and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward feasting upon the word of Christ and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: ye shall have eternal life."

Favorite hymn: "The World has Need of Willing Men"

Favorite scripture stories: Stripling Warriors, Birth of the Savior, Jesus visiting the Nephites

Young Women/Men Leaders: Chloanelle Hansen, Shirley Dennison, Meg Griffith, Joyce Strebel, La Rue Vawdrey

Favorite calling: Gospel Doctrine teacher, Primary Chorister, Seminary

Least favorite calling: cub scouts - very confusing

Jesus was happy today because you: prayed, tried to be kind, worked hard, read my scriptures

Who made you laugh today?: Wendy - she sent out a funny cartoon about Halloween (with little goblins and ghosts going past a bunch of houses with "Forclosure" signs in the front yard). It said "Good luck on Halloween".

Who's happier because of you today?: Jana - she's excited I'm going to Utah

Describe a sweet experience you've had recently: I held Piper, a little fat cute bundle today. (Jana- she's Andrea and Christian's baby). Yesterday I held Shelby and Olivia in Ben's big blue chair and sang songs. They are sure a lot bigger than they used to be. Their legs hang off my lap now almost to the floor.

What makes you mad?: hormones I think. It's usually irrational anger.

What makes you sad?: being away from my family (I'm always away from some of my family). Also criticism. And thinking about Mom and Jerry.

What do you want to accomplish?: Someday I'd like to graduate from college. Maybe it will have to be in the next life. I think I'm becoming too slow and stupid to do it in my old age.

What makes you want to get up and do something?: Mornings

What's your favorite kind of exercise?: Playing with my grandkids. (But I wear out so fast!)

How do you pull yourself out of a bad mood?: music in my head, reading, praying, watching children, counting blessings - but sometimes it's just hormones and won't go away until I sleep

What talent are you most grateful for?: easy learning

Tag you're it!