Sunday, September 14, 2008

Resume and Tag

Hi! Here is the address to my resume if you hear of any jobs in Utah.


I am: Grandma
I think: people should all be kind to each other
I know: the gospel is true.
I want: all of my family to grow in the gospel forever
I dislike: contention
I miss: my mother and my brother
I fear: the deaths of any of my family
I feel: happy
I hear: lots of random noises right now.
I smell: Ben's dinner
I crave: baked goods.
I cry: when I feel the spirit really strong, when I'm happy, when I'm sad
I usually: have more to do than I can get done
I search: the scriptures
I wonder: if I'll actually live in Utah again
I regret: doing stupid things in the past.
I love: my family! They're awesome!
I care: about honesty, helpfulness, and kindness.
I always: try to look ahead
I worry: if my children struggle with activity in the gospel
I am not: rid of credit card debt yet
I remember: being much younger
I believe: everyone is wonderful
I dance: really badly
I sing: to my babies
I don’t always: remember to do what I plan to do.
I argue: as rarely as I possibly can.
I write: on blogs and occassionally in a journal.
I win: whenever someone in my family does the right thing
I lose: when I forget to be kind
I wish: I were the person I want to be
I listen: after you get my attention
I don't understand: why some people do the things they do and think the things they think
I can usually be found: at work or at home or at church
I am scared: sometimes when I'm alone late at night.
I need: a new job in Utah.
I forget: everything, all the time
I am happy: just about all of the time.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Moving forward . . .

We have almost moved everything to it's proper place. Just a few more hotspots to clear up. So, I finally worked up a resume. I published it through google docs on a webpage. As soon as I tweak it a little, I'll let you all know where it is so you can access it if you need to. I'm not going to seriously LOOK for work until January. But, if an opportunity comes up that is financially feaseable . . .

Ben and Taryn are almost completely moved in. I'm really enjoying the little things the kids do. Stryder doing homework, Shelby role playing, Soren is talking!! And it's fun to have gaming partners right in the same house. But, Rachel and I hang out in our room with the door closed sometimes, too. It's been a really good opportunity for us to talk and share things.

Aren't my babies just too cute?! (Stephen, I'm so glad you are coming next weekend - I need some new photos of Kaleb!!)